Edward Levesque's Kitchen
In the Kitchen – and the Garden – with Edward Levesque

It’s a wintry Friday morning in Toronto. The driving snow snarls traffic along the morning commute and forces pedestrians to walk with their heads down, faces buried in the collars of their coats. But the frightful weather is no match for chef Edward Levesque, who is anticipating this year’s growing season.

read the full article at dineto.com

Toronto Life Article

"Many credit this seven-year-old restaurant for kick-starting the Leslieville gastro revolution" more...
The Shelf Life Taste Test

The drama, the tests of endurance, the high-stakes rewards - yes, it’s Shelf Life’s own culinary amazing race, featuring all the thrills of a certain megabucks reality-TV series, but with slightly fewer exotic locations and hardly any bitch-slapping backpackers in gondolas. Brand name pitted against brand name - which of our contestants will go the distance? As always, competing items are blind tested by a panel of food industry professionals, and awarded stars out of five.

Waiting with folded arms at the finish line are this week’s judges - including Edward Levesque.. The product: ketchup.

The results are here!


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